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Piano Teacher/ Piano Accompanist

-  英國皇家音樂學院 鋼琴演奏執業文憑

-  香港浸會大學 音樂碩士 (Distinction)

-  英國皇家音樂學院 八級樂理證書

-  音樂治療專業證書 (特殊需要兒童)

-  香港中文大學 心理學學士 (教育及個人發展心理學)

-  三角琴教學

-  LRSM in Piano Performance

-  Master Degree in Music, Baptist University (Distinction)

-  ABRSM Grade 8 Theory

-  Professional Certificate in Music Therapy (for children with          special needs)

-  Bachelor Degree in Psychology, CUHK (specialized in                  Psychology of Education & Human Development)

​-  Having lessons on a grand piano






Are you a beginner for piano? Finding a teacher who is earnest and patient is crucial. They can set you on the right path of building a solid foundation of piano technique and musical knowledge.

Or you have already taken piano for years but still can't play much? You must have a good foundation to begin with, including music reading, finger dexterity, and more importantly, the ability to make musical choices like articulation, phrasing, dynamics, etc. In order to do that, you must understand the style and background of your pieces.

I teach on a grand piano. Students can fully experience the resonance and rich tone of a grand piano. Its more responsive key action enables them to develop a more sensitive touch so as to create a wide range of tone colours. It also boosts students' confidence during an exam or performance during which a grand piano is often used. 

If you want to learn the piano, I am very glad to join you in the journey regardless of your age and musical background.




* 30 分鐘免費試堂/ Free trial of 30 mins for new students

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